Cottages in Whitby
Hello from Cottages in Whitby.
We have had this domain of cottagesinwhitby.co.uk for a number of years now and it seems to work well so was at a loss on how to use it. We have decided to let anyone with any story, event or advertisement to include a post on our site cottagesinwhitby.co.uk.
There are a few rules though and I will make sure that whoever submits to it are being responsible for their input and the content they wish to use.
No bad language
It has to content stories about Whitby (any Whitby!)
No more than one link please
Not too advertisish although if you wish to insert information on your special cottage or apartment on this site or on Whitby I will encourage it. Price is £10.00 on here and £99.00 per year on Whitby.co.uk
Please find a photo to use, it looks much much better for the article and of the site.
Other things I have not thought about yet :).
Offers for the domain will be looked at as “anything is for sale at the right price!”, but no silly offers please!